1 & 2 Peter and Jude: Sharing Christ's Sufferings

By David R. Helm, Series edited by R. Kent Hughes

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Neither Peter nor Jude minced words about the realities that would confront every Christian and that were confronting the church at large-suffering and persecution, contradictory views of the gospel, constant challenges to the faith at the hands of false teachers. Yet even in the face of these harsh realities, both biblical writers unswervingly declared that there is no cause for despair as long as one's foundation and identity are in Christ.

With the truths of 1-2 Peter and Jude echoing across the ages, commentator David Helm beckons us to listen in his stirring exposition. Yet it is not enough to listen, he says. Peter's and Jude's words must compel us to do just what the early Christians did: hold fast to their identity in Christ, ground themselves in the truth, live lives worthy of their calling, and vigorously contend for the faith. 

Part of the Preaching the Word series.


David R. Helm

David R. Helm (MDiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of Christ Church Chicago. He also serves as chairman of the board of directors for the Charles Simeon Trust, an organization that promotes practical instruction in preaching. He is the coauthor (with Jon Dennis) of The Genesis Factor; a contributor to Preach the Word: Essays on Expository Preaching; and the author of The Big Picture Story Bible and 1–2 Peter and Jude in the Preaching the Word commentary series.

Product Details

Category: Commentaries & Reference
Format: Hardcover w/ Jacket
Page Count: 416
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
Weight: 24.4 ounces
ISBN-10: 1-58134-960-2
ISBN-13: 978-1-58134-960-3
ISBN-UPC: 9781581349603
Case Quantity: 20
Published: March 31, 2008


"This commentary/collection of sermons has my warm endorsement. I read them, in my daily devotions, over the period of a month and profited greatly. The message of these books is often neglected, and I pray that this volume will go a long way to redress this deficiency."
John C. Chapman, Former Director, Department of Evangelism, Diocese of Sydney

"David Helm has an engaging style, all his own. Best of all, he engages with the text of Scripture, with life as it really is, and with the hearts and minds of the lively congregations who first heard and benefited from much of this material."
Dick Lucas, Former Rector, St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, London; Founder, The Proclamation Trust

"David Helm exercises a vibrant preaching ministry in the city of Chicago. This book of Bible expositions displays his strengths as a preacher and serves as a model for other Bible teachers. It is vigorous in its defense of spiritual truth, clear in its explanation of biblical words and their contextual meaning, vivid in its use of language and illustrations, well-structured in its exposition of particular Bible passages, and fresh in its practical application of biblical truth to daily Christian life. It is the kind of commentary, in other words, on which preachers quickly learn to rely."
Philip Graham Ryken, President, Wheaton College