Galatians: Gospel-Rooted Living (Ebook)

By Todd Wilson, Series edited by R. Kent Hughes

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Galatians: Gospel-Rooted Living (Ebook)

By Todd Wilson, Series edited by R. Kent Hughes

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Paul’s letter to the Galatians stands as a key book in the Bible, especially as it relates to the Old Testament Law and to the Christian’s “freedom in Christ.” Paul’s emphasis on Jesus’s substitutionary death, justification by faith, and the work of the Spirit makes the letter crucial for a complete understanding of the New Testament’s teaching on salvation through faith in Christ. Combining scholarly depth with practical wisdom, pastor Todd Wilson has written a commentary based on years of ministry experience and biblical reflection, resulting in a resource that is exegetically engaged, theologically informed, and pastorally relevant. Paul’s passionate exhortation for the Galatians to return and cling to the gospel that saved them remains relevant today, reminding modern readers of the importance of God’s grace for all of life.

Part of the Preaching the Word series.


Todd Wilson

Todd Wilson (PhD, Cambridge University) is the cofounder and president of the Center for Pastor Theologians, a ministry dedicated to resourcing pastor theologians. He is the author of several books, including The Pastor Theologian. Todd and his wife, Katie, have seven children.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 208
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433522840
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-2284-0
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-0576-8
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-0577-5
Published: July 31, 2013


“Todd Wilson’s exposition of Galatians admirably meets the goals of the Preaching the Word series. Wilson knows all the issues in this letter and treats them with remarkable fairness, always making clear just what the text is communicating to God's people today.”
Douglas J. Moo, Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College; Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (NIV); author, The Epistle to the Romans and An Introduction to the New Testament

“Todd Wilson has written a deeply pastoral and theologically competent commentary on Galatians that is an exemplary effort at Biblical exposition. There are some doozy passages in Galatians, especially on the Law, and Wilson provides a plain explanation and then shows readers how these texts relate to modern Christian living. A wonderful synergy of homiletical energy and honest exegesis.”
Michael F. Bird, Academic Dean and Lecturer in New Testament, Ridley College, Melbourne

“Todd Wilson’s exposition of Galatians is both Biblically grounded and theologically rich. But it doesn’t stop there. Wilson powerfully and astutely applies the message of Galatians to contemporary life. Galatians isn’t left on the shelf; the Word addresses us as those who are tempted to walk according to the flesh, and we are reminded of what it means to be led by the Holy Spirit.”
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“A wonderful combination of clarity, insight, and passion. This commentary captures the great big-picture message of Galatians without avoiding any of the difficult details, whether the curse of the Law or remembering the poor. Anyone reading or preaching on Galatians will benefit from this book.”
Simon Gathercole, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, University of Cambridge  

“Every pastor knows the need for really great resources that unlock the text in meaningful ways. Todd Wilson’s exposition of Galatians does just that. His perspective on this important letter is grounded in outstanding exegesis and seminal preaching ideas. Don’t preach Galatians without this commentary!”
Joseph M. Stowell, President, Cornerstone University; author, The Upside of Down and Redefining Leadership

“Surprisingly little has changed in our thought processes since Paul wrote to the Galatians two millennia ago. We humans love to add one thing or another to the simple gospel message just in case Jesus isn’t enough. Todd’s commentary is full of fresh insights for our generation and a timely reminder that God really does want us to embrace the freedom that was won for us by the finished work of his Son, Jesus.”
Phil Tuttle, President, Walk Thru the Bible

“Todd Wilson has written an excellent commentary for those preaching and teaching the book of Galatians. He combines sound, insightful Biblical exposition of Galatians with warm, relevant personal application. As a deeply committed Christian who is both a gifted pastor and scholar, Todd provides a perspective on the book of Galatians that the church desperately needs: we must continue to go back to the gospel and to God’s grace if we are going to move forward in the Christian life. I highly recommend this commentary!”
Jim Samra, Senior Pastor, Calvary Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan; author, The Gift of Church and God Told Me

Galatians: Gospel-Rooted Living is a powerful reminder of how important it is for Christians to cling to the most fundamental aspect of the Christian endeavor: the relationship with our Lord and Savior that can only come by grace, through faith. This book is a scholarly work written in a conversational style that makes it easy for readers to identify with and to value the book of Galatians.”
Gene Getz, President, Center for Church Renewal

“Galatians lives! Reading this commentary seems like sharing in deep conversation with Todd Wilson. His acute questions and insights give many ‘aha’ moments. Wearing scholarship lightly, yet always intensely informed, he opens up this essential epistle to make a vital impact on us today.”
Michael Quicke, CW Koller Professor of Preaching, Northern Seminary, Lombard, Illinois