Acts: The Church Afire (Ebook)

By R. Kent Hughes, Series edited by R. Kent Hughes

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Acts: The Church Afire (Ebook)

By R. Kent Hughes, Series edited by R. Kent Hughes

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Dynamic churches—congregations that are experiencing phenomenal growth, Christian ministries that God is using to take down walls, churches where souls are being saved and lives transformed–inspire us and make for great reading. The book of Acts, the divinely inspired history of the early church, is all this and more.

In the author's words: "One reason I love to study the book of Acts is its uniqueness. It is the sourcebook for the spread of early Christianity. Without it we would know little about the apostolic church except what could be gleaned from Paul's epistles. It is the chronicle of the spreading flame of the Holy Spirit."

In this welcome addition to the Preaching the Word series, Pastor Kent Hughes explores the key narratives of the book of acts, including the birth of the church, bold gospel preaching resulting in the prospering of the church, and the dramatic missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.


R. Kent Hughes

R. Kent Hughes (DMin, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is senior pastor emeritus of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, and former professor of practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Hughes is also a founder of the Charles Simeon Trust, which conducts expository preaching conferences throughout North America and worldwide. He serves as the series editor for the Preaching the Word commentary series and is the author or coauthor of many books. He and his wife, Barbara, live in Spokane, Washington, and have four children and an ever-increasing number of grandchildren.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 382
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433517235
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-1723-5
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-1288-9
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-1287-2
Published: October 14, 1996