Podcast: I Want to Disciple My Kids but Don't Know Where to Start (Jared Kennedy)
Jared Kennedy talks about what it means to disciple your children and about the long-term impact that investment can have.
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Podcast: I Want to Disciple My Kids but Don't Know Where to Start (Jared Kennedy)
Jared Kennedy talks about what it means to disciple your children and about the long-term impact that investment can have.
Podcast: Answering Your Questions about Parenting Adult Children (Gaye Clark)
Gaye Clark answers several listener-submitted questions about how we should handle the difficult dynamic of cultivating a relationship with our adult children.
How to Be Present With Your Family As a Pastor
Some advice for returning home to your family without carrying the whole church on your shoulders.
What Pastors Should and Should Not Share with Their Wives
Every aspect of pastoral ministry is not meant to be shared at home. Find out what is best kept at church.
Podcast: Parents, Your Kids Will Love What You Love—So Love the Bible (William Osborne)
Rusty Osborne explains how he has sought to model a genuine love for God in front of his kids, and he offers advice on how to answer your kids when they say things like “the Bible is boring.”
Video: The Fruitful Wife by Hayley DiMarco
Hayley DiMarco gives a brief overview of her new book, The Fruitful Wife: Cultivating a Love Only God Can Produce.
Podcast: How to Wait for Christmas in an Age of Instant Gratification (Jonathan Gibson)
Johnny Gibson discusses what it looks like to truly prepare our hearts for Christmas and talks about how and why the Advent season is meant to be a season of waiting.
Podcast: Answering Tough Questions about Raising Teenagers (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson discusses some of the most common questions that parents of teens often ask him as a pastor—questions about depression, sexuality, and when a teen should be allowed to get a phone.
Podcast: Your Kids Are Already Theologians, So Give Them Good Theology (Kristen Wetherell)
Kristen Wetherell gives practical advice for teaching our children about important doctrines and offers encouragement to parents facing questions about theology that they're not sure how to answer.
What Family Worship Is (and Is Not)
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
A Word to Wives Who Desire Husbands to Lead Spiritually
Wives cannot demand that their husbands take leadership.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: What If My Friends Tell Me to Do Something That Is Wrong?
So if someone tells you to do something you know that is wrong, stop and remember that you don’t have to do it. You don‘t have to give into temptation.
Andrew and Christian Walker reflect on the importance of proactively talking with our kids about important topics even when it feels difficult or awkward.
An Interview with Donald Whitney
In this video, Justin Taylor sits down with Donald Whitney to discuss his new book, Family Worship.
Watch the Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full Trailer
In Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms, Gloria Furman, a pastor's wife and mother of four, shows us how to pursue a vibrant and ever-growing relationship with Christ in the midst of the busyness of life.
Podcast: On Marriage: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
A compilation episode featuring some of the best moments from past interviews on The Crossway Podcast on the topic of marriage.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Won’t God Accept Me Because of the Good Things I’ve Done?
It can be hard to recognize that we need to help those children who tend to be a little bit more like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son—the one that seems like they’re fairly compliant.
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Podcast: Family Discipleship 101 (Adam Griffin)
What is family discipleship, and how can parents start discipling their kids?
Preview: ‘The Dragon and the Stone’ by Kathryn Butler
We are pleased to offer a special preview of Kathryn Butler's new book, The Dragon and the Stone, the first book in The Dream Keeper Saga.
Podcast: When Your Kid Needs a Friend (Trillia Newbell)
Trillia Newbell unpacks how God has designed all of us for friendship—both with one another and even more importantly, with himself.
Podcast: Teach Your Kids About Their Anchored Identity (Christina Fox)
Christina Fox talks about kids’ need for a strong sense of identity that is rooted in an understanding of God as our creator, sustainer, and redeemer.