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The Godly Wife

Jani Ortlund

Human marriage is not the ultimate human experience. Our relationship with God is. But under Christ, marriage is the most profound human relationship we have.

The Common Calling of All Women

Abigail Dodds

Am I faithfully obeying God as his child by meeting the genuine needs of others, or am I pursuing self-actualization, self-fulfillment, or selfish ambition apart from him?

The Antidote to #MomGuilt

Abigail Dodds

It’s at the cross that we lay down our indifference and our fears about the work set before us in shepherding eternal souls in favor of full investment and commitment to the job.

The 5th Commandment Is for Adults Too

Jen Wilkin

The fifth commandment is found in the middle of a list of commands clearly addressed to adults, targeting issues that are, developmentally speaking, primarily the concerns of adulthood.

Study Bibles for the Whole Family

God's Word is a gift, and the fact that his children are afforded the opportunity handle it, study it, and meditate on it is an immeasurable grace.

Satan's Plan for Your Family

Randy Newman

Given God’s high ideals for what families should be—reflections of the very nature of a loving, personal God, sources of intimacy and security, and environments that foster godly character—it should come as no surprise that the Devil would want to destroy them.