The Ultimate Goal of Parenting
The ultimate goal of parenting is not behavior management. It is heart realignment. The root problem with your children is not their misbehavior but the condition of their heart.
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The Ultimate Goal of Parenting
The ultimate goal of parenting is not behavior management. It is heart realignment. The root problem with your children is not their misbehavior but the condition of their heart.
7 Heart Postures to Cultivate in Your Discipling Relationships
Discipling isn’t just about what we do, but also how we do it. If we aren’t careful, we can become overly programmatic in our approach to discipling, and our relationships can become robotic.
A Family Christmas Devotional from ‘The Biggest Story’
Gather your family together and read through this special Christmas devotional from The Biggest Story Family Devotional, complete with Scripture readings, discussion questions, and a gospel connection.
God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Making the Most of the Holidays with Your Adult Children
It’s been estimated that one in four parents are estranged from at least one adult child. The sense of hopelessness mixed with guilt can leave parents feeling depressed and defeated.
‘The Long Road Home’ for Kids Who “Wander”
The narrative of Luke 15 and its characters show us our naturally rebellious hearts, our pride, selfishness, sinfulness, and our desire to be known and loved.
‘The Biggest Story’ Christmas Devotional with Printable Ornaments
Take a journey through the Bible this December with the help of stories from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, and prepare your family for the birth of Jesus the Savior!
How can we raise kids to recognize with heartfelt gratitude that they are served by an endless conveyor belt of divinely supplied benefits including life, breath, and everything?
How (and How Not) to Implement Family Devotions
Pray for wisdom. Pray for your children. Pray that your time in the word and prayer will be fruitful and that God will bear the fruit of his Spirit in your family.
My Child’s Wandering Heart and My Father’s Never-Ending Love
If you’re a parent, you’ve likely seen that natural tendency in your children to wander (or run!) from what God says is best—even if the nature of it looks different with each child.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Political Engagement
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Andrew and Christian Walker talk through some basic biblical, theological, and philosophical principles related to political engagement that every Christian parent should know.
The Spiritually Dangerous Spiral of Complaint
You can’t complain about God’s provision without questioning his wisdom, goodness, faithfulness, and love.
Podcast: Teach Your Kids About Their Anchored Identity (Christina Fox)
Christina Fox talks about kids’ need for a strong sense of identity that is rooted in an understanding of God as our creator, sustainer, and redeemer.
Your marriage is shaped by your commitment to say no. Your parenting is shaped by your willingness to say no. Your friendships are shaped by how often you say no.
4 Issues Your Children Are Facing That You Never Had To
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Parenting in today’s culture can seem like boating into uncharted waters. The good news is that though the culture may throw us new challenges, Scripture speaks a better word to anchor our parenting.
6 Ways Parents of Estranged Adult Children Can Find Help at Church
Despite the struggles of parents experiencing pain in their relationships with their adult children, there is help for parents through the local church.
A Parent’s Guide to Talking with Kids about Technology
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
All of life in the digital age is presenting us with a dizzying array of possibilities for where we spend our time, how we understand who we are, and how we perceive the world around us.
Reaching the Next Generation Is Easier and Harder Than You Think
Sometimes we fear or we feel this burden that if we’re going to be effective as pastors, Christians, or parents that we need to have this cultural expertise.
How (and How Not) to Talk with Your Kids about Sexuality
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Be assured that if you are not planning how and when to bring sexuality up in conversation, your children will learn about it elsewhere.
Andrew and Christian Walker reflect on the importance of proactively talking with our kids about important topics even when it feels difficult or awkward.
Teach Your Kids Their Identity before the World Does
What do you want to be when you grow up? Who are you? It’s one of the most fundamental questions of life. And the answer our culture has come up with is very far from the truth.
Podcast: Answering Tough Questions about Raising Teenagers (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson discusses some of the most common questions that parents of teens often ask him as a pastor—questions about depression, sexuality, and when a teen should be allowed to get a phone.
What Does Covenant Theology Teach Us about Living in a Family?
Human life usually begins in families. Whether families are stable or unstable, helpful or harmful, family connections shape who we are.
Parents, Your Children Were Never Intended to Give You Identity
If you are not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find yourself and your reason for living in something in the creation
9 Ways to Pass on Your Faith through Family Milestones
Your faith is your children’s best possible inheritance. Pass it on to them as often and thoroughly as you can.
7 Tips for Young Adults to Improve Their Relationships with Their Parents
You can mitigate your frustrations with your parents. Here are seven tips that may help you have a better relationship.
Help! I Have Trouble Talking with My Adult Children
When we move from parenting a teen to mentoring our adult children, asking questions is the best and first approach to difficult conversations—far better than biting your tongue.
The Secret of Contentment in Motherhood
No matter how much mom life does or doesn’t look the way you imagined it would, you too can learn the secret of contentment. It might seem like a lofty goal, but it isn’t an unattainable one.
Podcast: Answering Your Questions about Parenting Adult Children (Gaye Clark)
Gaye Clark answers several listener-submitted questions about how we should handle the difficult dynamic of cultivating a relationship with our adult children.
Guiding Children to Adulthood: What Does Success Look Like?
With grown or nearly grown adult children, it can be easy to despair and think it is too late to improve or repair our relationship with our kids. But is anything too difficult for God?