10 Key Bible Verses on Children
Scripture is not silent on the value of children and how parents ought to regard and guide them in wisdom.
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10 Key Bible Verses on Children
Scripture is not silent on the value of children and how parents ought to regard and guide them in wisdom.
God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
10 Key Bible Verses on Parenting
Children are a gift from the Lord, and he is faithful to grant wisdom and guidance to those who are called to shepherd those in their care.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
10 Things You Should Know about Family Discipleship
In Jesus's call to make disciples everywhere and to teach his commandments entirely, we can be absolutely sure that this imperative includes those disciples we will make in our own homes.
10 Things You Should Know about Fatherhood
Fatherhood began in God, since he is our Father. Ultimate reality is not mechanical but relational, not physics but fatherhood.
10 Things You Should Know about Infertility
Infertility is a more common experience than some realize affecting 7–10% of couples.
10 Things You Should Know about Motherhood
Motherhood is evidence that God is patient toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
While motherhood is a desirable and godly calling, it also brings pain and heartache. But God is still good. He really is, no matter what. These are ten truths for moms like me to cling to on our difficult days.
11 Notable Quotes from Missional Motherhood
There is eternal value in even the most mundane moments if the Great Commission informs how we’re thinking about all of life, including what it means to be a mom.
11 Notable Quotes from Parenting
As caregivers, parents act as ambassadors of God’s love and care to their children.
12 Bible Passages for Overwhelmed Fathers
A father’s world is filled with responsibilities and concerns, and the stress that can arise from helping to support a family can be overwhelming. But God offers all fathers wisdom and strength from his Word.
20 Engaging Questions to Ask Kids at Church
As churches everywhere shake their heads in frustration over declining commitment among younger generations, we need to remember that a person’s commitment to the church is often formed early.
3 Battles Your Teen Faces Every Day
Teens must stand up against the untruths they hear from culture and from within themselves.
3 Pieces of Advice for Teens about to Start High School
In the long run, your friends have an enormous influence on you, so you need the right kinds of friends.
3 Things Overwhelmed Students Need
“Teens” and “rest” don’t usually go together, do they? The teen years are busy years, restless years, hectic years.
3 Ways to Surrender Your Will to Christ
God seems extremely concerned that we learn to submit ourselves to authority, especially to the one whose lordship demands obedience from the heart.
3 Ways Youth Leaders Can Help Parents
Many youth pastors are young, but they still have valuable insights on teenagers that can be of great help to parents.
44 Activities for Kids That Don't Involve Screens
Most Christian parents would like their children to spend less time in front of a screen. Since ideas can be hard to come up with in the moment, here’s a list of 44 activities that don’t involve screens.
4 Essential Things to Remember When Disciplining Your Children
What are we trying to do in disciplining children? We are not just trying to avoid all annoyances. There’s an aim here and it's a glorious one.
4 Issues Your Children Are Facing That You Never Had To
Andrew T. Walker, Christian Walker
Parenting in today’s culture can seem like boating into uncharted waters. The good news is that though the culture may throw us new challenges, Scripture speaks a better word to anchor our parenting.
4 Questions about Leading Family Devotions
It is critically important to give our lives in the service of leading our children to be followers and friends of Jesus.
4 Things at Stake When Your Children Don’t Obey
What’s at stake in practicing correction is probably better gauged by understanding what happens when correction doesn’t get practiced very well.
4 Things Dads Should Teach Their Kids about Money
Your kids need more than practical tips for managing their money. They need theology.
Learn five things fathers can avoid when parenting their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
5 Myths about Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry shouldn’t merely be about teaching Christian character and morality to the younger generation. No, it’s an incredible opportunity to help kids see Christ!
When we make a home for others, we are often doing small and unseen work humanly speaking, but the meaning behind the work is never small.
5 Myths about Teaching Theology to Youth
Everyone is a theologian. The question for Christian parents, church members, and friends is: how do we help children be good theologians?
Our value comes from God and he has good purposes for every role and circumstance he puts us in.
The following prayers are from The Primer (1652) by John Owen and can be used to give children a framework for talking to the Lord in prayer.