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Gospel-Centered Partnership: Faith Comes By Hearing

Faith Comes By Hearing has the mission to “get God’s word to every person and cover the world with the word” by creating and distributing Bible recordings and programs in the languages of people worldwide.

Gospel-Centered Help for Fathers

Leading your family well can become a daunting task, particularly if you misunderstand the role of fatherhood as God intended it.

Good Neighbors Pay Attention

Amy DiMarcangelo

The church must be dedicated to hearing and attending to the cry of the afflicted. May all Christians resist the temptation to burrow our heads in the sand because we dread emotional upheaval.

Good Authority Submits

Jonathan Leeman

Jesus is king. Jesus obeys. How do we hold those two truths together? And what does it teach us about any authority we’ve been personally given?

God Will Forgive You

By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.

God Taught Us to Pray

On May 3rd, across the country, countless will gather to come before the Lord for the National Day of Prayer.

God’s Word Is Necessary

Kevin DeYoung

The doctrine of the necessity of Scripture reminds us of our predicament: the One we need to know most cannot be discovered on our own, and this same ineffable One has made himself known through his word.

God's Word Is Going Forth

Since its launch in 2001, the ESV has become one of the fastest growing English translations of the Bible in the world.

God's Invading Grace

Paul David Tripp

Why did Jesus send his disciples into that storm? He did it for the same reason he sometimes sends you into storms—because he knows that sometimes you need the storm in order to be able to see the glory.