10 Things You Should Know about Apologetics
Apologetics is a means to an end: a means of helping people to live for Jesus.
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10 Things You Should Know about Apologetics
Apologetics is a means to an end: a means of helping people to live for Jesus.
3 Beautiful Words: “I Don’t Know”
Knowing that you don’t know is half the battle, and any good education will result in a humbling awareness of how little you know.
We should admit up front that there are some decent reasons a person might have for being an atheist.
If I Could Sit Down with Richard Dawkins
If I could change Richard Dawkins’ mind about something, it would be about this notion of objective morality.
Is Science the Only Source of Absolute Truth?
Is it scientifically accurate to say that “Science is the only way to get to absolute truth about reality"?
The Problem with Human-Centered Morality
Is moral value whatever we say that it is?
What Modern Atheists Could Learn from David Hume
One of the most important things that modern atheists can learn from David Hume is the limitations of sense perception and reason.
Why Christians Should Encourage Consistent Atheism
times when I actually encourage unbelievers to continue in their error, in fact to do so more.
Why Every Serious Atheist Should Be a Moral Nihilist
Every consistent atheist ought to be a moral nihilist.