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What Did Jesus Teach about Evangelism?

Jerram Barrs

When we look at Jesus’s life and ministry we also see that he was the greatest evangelist. In his earthly ministry he was the light of the world, the one who always lived in a way that was pleasing to his Father.

What Is Needed to Be a Christian?

J. I. Packer

In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.

What Is the Gospel?

Greg Gilbert

Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus.

Why Do We Do Missions?

Mark Collins

Many passages in Scripture speak to the missionary task, but at the foundation we need to remember that we do missions because Jesus commissioned his people to carry the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Why Tracts Matter

Tracts are meant to be informal or conversational—easily comprehended and relational in style.