5 Myths about Angels and Demons
Sadly, there is a lot of confusion about angels and demons and certain myths that simply won’t die. Here are five of them.
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5 Myths about Angels and Demons
Sadly, there is a lot of confusion about angels and demons and certain myths that simply won’t die. Here are five of them.
5 Misconceptions about Heaven and Hell (and 5 Truths)
The most common misconceptions about heaven and hell have to do with their nature and purpose. There are many false ideas about what they will be like, but the word of God gives us a clear picture.
5 Key Realities the Bible Teaches about God’s Love
God's love is altogether other. Learn about five reasons its not like ours, and why it's better.
5 Fallacies about a Literary Approach to the Bible
Leland Ryken, Philip Graham Ryken
When the Bible gives us literary subject matter, that subject matter is present through the agency of divine inspiration. The same is true of the genres and forms of the Bible.
5 Benefits to Reading Entire Books of the Bible in One Sitting
Read whole letters written by the apostle Paul in one sitting without distraction.
4 Ways to Read the Bible for Personal Application
Your whole Bible “applies personally.” This Lord is your God; this history is your history; these people are your people; this Savior has brought you in to participate in who he is and what he does.
4 Ways to Go Deeper in the Psalms
From the psalms we see that God works in and through our emotions to draw us closer to him and to mature us spiritually.
The temptation to forget God is always present. But there is a way to maintain one's devotion to the Lord.
4 Ways the Gospel Appears in the Book of Amos
Learn about four ways that the Old Testament book of Amos is essential for a robust understanding of the gospel.
4 Ways Jesus Fulfills Every Old Testament Promise
When Jesus fulfills the Old Testament Law and Prophets, he is actualizing what Scripture anticipated and achieving what God promised and predicted.
4 Tips for Memorizing God's Word
Gloria Furman lists 4 tips for memorizing God's word.
4 Tips for Defending Your Trust in the Bible
Could you explain to someone who is a total skeptic—doesn’t believe in God, Jesus, Jonah, or the big fish—why you think that everything the Bible says is true?
4 Things to Remember When Reading the Bible
Proper Bible reading begins before we open the book. It begins in our approach.
4 Things That Might Hinder You from Embracing Definite Atonement
The doctrine of definite atonement is a misunderstood doctrine, one that we must seek to understand more accurately and embrace more deeply.
4 Things that Make the Bible Literary
The subject of literature is human experience. We should read the Bible through that lens.
4 Roles Scripture Plays in the Life of a Believer
The doctrines of the word of God were not intended just to lay claim on your brain, but also to capture your heart and transform the way you live.
4 Reasons We Should Study the Book of Revelation
Many of us have a rather lightweight perception of what it means to be blessed. Revelation is going to correct some of our assumptions about what the blessed life looks like.
4 Reasons We Need a Biblical View of Humanity
When we consider the view of personhood presented in Scripture, the question of whether we are mere brain machines or something more becomes a gospel question.
4 Reasons We Must Not Disregard God's Word
God's Word has cut me untold numbers of times since. But each pain, responded to, has brought a fresh, satisfying healing.
4 Reasons We Avoid the Book of Revelation
Revelation is actually less about when Jesus will return and more about what we are to do, who we are to be, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom.
4 Reasons Christians Should Use Their Minds
Stott recognized the need for both intellect and emotion in Christianity, but, clearly for him, “the greater danger is anti-intellectualism and a surrender to emotionalism.”
4 Questions You Should Ask When Reading the Bible
What we get out of the Bible largely depends on the kinds of questions we ask when reading the text. But how do we know what are the right questions to ask?
4 Psalms You Didn’t Realize Point to Christ
Again and again I have seen a psalm come into focus when I relate it to Christ, similar to a fuzzy scene through a camera viewfinder coming into sharp focus when the lens is properly adjusted.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Waiting
Find encouragement through Scripture and the prayers of the saints for when your spirit faints and flags—the Lord is near.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Sorrowed
Turn to the Word of God and the prayers of the saints when your heart is saddened and in need of the gospel’s hope.
4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Repentant
Turn to God and his Word and the prayers of the saints when your heart cries out to the Lord in repentance.
4 Prayers to Pray for the Sick
When or loved ones are burdened with suffering and illness, find comfort in Scripture and in these historic prayers of saints that have gone before.
4 Points of Evidence for the Resurrection
What historical evidence was sufficient to convince these non-Christians that the resurrection should be taken seriously and not carelessly dismissed?
4 Factors That Govern Biblical Typology
The Bible is full of typology that reveals deeper meaning in the narrative of Scripture. But seeking to understand such literary connections doesn't have to be overwhelming.
4 Examples of How Knowing Original Greek Improves Your Understanding of the Text
God’s word is powerful. When reading our Bible we hear his voice. However, it does not mean that Scripture is always easy to understand.