How We Work Reveals Who We Are
What we need is a work ethic that is informed by God’s word and religiously lived out in the workplace and the church.
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How We Work Reveals Who We Are
What we need is a work ethic that is informed by God’s word and religiously lived out in the workplace and the church.
Meditate On and Mutter God’s Word
Slowly and prayerfully turning over Scripture engages the eyes, the ears, and the mouth, and drills through the granite to the heart—maximizing internalization and devotion.
4 Qualities of God-Honoring Work
Your vocation, be it ever so humble, is a divine calling, and thus must be done for the glory of God. This alone will take the church out into the world.
One of the Church’s Greatest Needs
People outside the four walls of the church will eagerly embrace the faith of believers who model the honesty and integrity for which they long.
The Difference between Legalism and Discipline
Paul hated legalism but he enjoined discipline upon all of his followers for the purpose of godliness.
Men: Don’t Neglect These 4 Key Spiritual Disciplines
Godliness requires discipline. Here are four categories to commit to growing in.
Are Grace and Works Compatible?
If you really have experienced the grace of God and you are in fellowship with him, your heart will desire to discipline itself for the purpose of godliness.
If we have stripped ourselves bare of all besetting sins and every hindrance, and have begun to run with perseverance our race, we are then given the focus that guarantees our finishing well.
5 Tips for Being Disciplined without Being Legalistic
God is not counting our failures against us, and we are not building a treasury of merit with our successes. We are simply trying to live a disciplined life that pleases our loving Father.
Why Godly Discipline Is about Learning to Fail Better
We're sinners and are not striving for perfection, but aiming to please God.
When you’re talking about discipline for the purpose of godliness, it’s with an eye on the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who enables godliness.
Paul’s second letter to Timothy is a call to endurance amid opposition and suffering for the sake of the gospel.
The thrust of 1 Timothy is that godliness is central to the Christian’s continuing in the gospel and the church’s proclamation of the gospel.
A Pastor’s Guide to Celebrating Christmas as a Church
Christmas sermons and services should evoke the question, “What do these things mean?” to which the pastor then heralds the eternal answers.
Remembering Christ’s Power in Weakness in the Life of Billy Graham (1918-2018)
Billy Graham died today, after a faithful and Spirit-led life and ministry. We celebrate his legacy, and his weakness through which God to move so powerfully.
Learn five things fathers can avoid when parenting their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
Read three tips for dads on fostering healthy relationships with their children from seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes.
The Scandal at the Heart of the Christian Faith
If we imagine that Jesus was born in a freshly swept, county fair stable, we miss the whole point. It was wretched—scandalous!
What Makes Pastoral Ministry Enjoyable?
Pastoral ministry—while having its unique challenges—is also filled with particular, and sometimes unexpected, joys.
How to Make Time for Your Family as a Pastor
Even the busiest pastors can make it a priority and count it a privilege to spend quality time with their families.
10 Disciplines of a Godly Pastor
As we sweat out the disciplines of a godly pastor, remember, with Paul, what energizes us to live them out.
Men, we will never get anywhere in life without discipline, and doubly so in spiritual matters.
What Makes the Preaching the Word Commentary Series Unique?
The Preaching the Word commentary series is unique because I’ve asked all the contributors to have preached the content of their commentary viva voce, or live.
Why Expository Preaching Is Important
When you do expository preaching you get a sermon's symmetry and structure from the biblical text.
What Questions Should a Pastor Ask Himself after Preaching a Sermon?
You actually can’t tell how effective a sermon was by the response you receive.
Preach the Bible, Not Your Dog
One of the big dangers that faces pastors today comes from a desire to connect with people.
You need to be willing to stand on the shoulders of those that have come before.
Christmas Is for the Poor and Humble
Without a doubt we could spend our lives searching the literature of the world for a story as beautiful as that of the nativity and never find it.
Why I Wrote a New Book about Pastoral Ministry
A new book for pastors grounded on the conviction that all Christian ministry must be gospel-centered.
4 Reasons We Must Not Disregard God's Word
God's Word has cut me untold numbers of times since. But each pain, responded to, has brought a fresh, satisfying healing.