10 Things You Should Know about Church Discipline
Church discipline is not man’s idea, but God’s. Learn more about what it is and why it's so purposeful in the Christian life.
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10 Things You Should Know about Church Discipline
Church discipline is not man’s idea, but God’s. Learn more about what it is and why it's so purposeful in the Christian life.
10 Key Bible Verses on the Church
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
10 Things You Should Know about Church Elders
Jeramie Rinne lists 10 things we should know about church elders.
7 Good Reasons to Leave a Church
Illegitimate reasons for leaving a church abound, but there are circumstances when it is right to make the painful decision to leave.
This Day in History: Jonathan Edwards Preaches “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”
When Edwards came to preach in Enfield, God blessed the preaching of his Word in an extraordinary manner.
8 Things to Remember When Teaching Kids Theology
Theology, taught well, must inevitably result in doxology—and we shouldn’t be satisfied with less just because we’re teaching children.
Should Drinking Alcohol Disqualify a Pastor from Ministry?
“Not a drunkard” means more than just “Knows how to toe the line and stay within the legal limits.” It implies a positive vision. It calls for men who are reliable, ever vigilant, “ready in season and out.”
Is There a Difference between Pastors and Elders? (1 Timothy 3)
Besides having good character, what qualifications must one meet in order to oversee others in the church?
Why the Call to Preach Is Unique
Expository exultation is a unique kind of communication. It is different, radically different, from anything in the world.
The New Testament Epistles offer several characteristics of false teachers and those susceptible to their teachings.
The Hidden Cancer in Our Churches
What is the most urgent need of the church today? Better leadership? Better training? Healthier giving? Orthodoxy? Moral integrity?
Pray your pastor would love God, and you, so much that he would be willing to disappoint you for God’s glory.
What to Do If You’re Chronically Frustrated at Church
If you're chronically frustrated at church, the primary solution is not to try to fix things but to recenter your focus on God.
10 Key Bible Verses on Teaching the Bible
Scripture has specific instructions for those in the body who are charged with teaching other believers. Read what God has to say to teachers.
I want to conduct a thought experiment by thinking about how some of our behavior can negatively affect our pastors.
2 Reasons Bully Pastors Rise Up in the Church
The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. Two key elements contribute to this crisis.
10 Things You Should Know about Pastoral Counseling
If God has given you his Word and his Spirit dwells within you, there is much more you can do than you probably realize.
10 Things You Should Know about Youth Ministry
Youth ministry is a vital part of growing and equipping the church. Here are ten things to remember about the work of discipling students.
7 Key Characteristics of the Church
Reformation theology established seven characteristics or identity markers of the church.
Should the Sick Be Anointed with Oil? (James 5)
James instructs the church elders to “anoint” the sick person with oil “in the name of the Lord.” Throughout the centuries, Christians have struggled to understand and apply this verse.
3 Distinguishing Characteristics of a True Church
How can we tell if a church is really a church? What characteristics distinguish a true church?
10 Things You Should Know about Preaching
What is preaching really all about? How should we approach it, as preachers and ordinary Christians?
How do we preachers handle the Bible faithfully and accurately so that Jesus is seen in every passage?
Podcast: Are Christians Obligated to Give 10%? (Sam Storms)
What does the Bible teaches about tithing? Are Christians still obligated to give 10% of their income today?
5 Guiding Principles for Church Elders
God has called elders to be men worth imitating. A healthy local church typically has many people, men and women, whose example we could follow.
Are You a Healthy Church Member?
A healthy church member is deeply committed to and practices particular disciplines within a local church.
10 Things You Should Know about Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Learn more about the man who is as relevant to us today as he was in his own lifetime.
7 Bad Reasons to Leave a Church
Before you begin searching for a new church, consider these 7 reasons you shouldn't.
10 Things You Should Know about the Church after COVID-19
In all the important ways, nothing has changed about church. We are still the people of God, gathered in the presence of God, to bring glory to God.
Seminary can by no means teach a minister everything he needs to know, but it puts strong tools in his box to set him up for a lifetime of learning and growing in the Lord.