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Video: J.I. Packer on Weakness

J.I. Packer, renowned theologian and author of the forthcoming Weakness is the Way, reflects on his experience of weakness, having been hit by a bread truck as a child and now facing the realities of aging.

Video: Invisible Creature

Don Clark discusses why he creates art and how it has the potential to give us a glimpse of the way the world was intended to be.

Video: Christian Guides to the Classics Series

In these short guidebooks, popular professor, author, and literary expert Leland Ryken takes you through some of the greatest literature in history while answering your questions along the way.

Urgent Ministry Opportunity

Yesterday we posted an urgent request from Crossway's president, Dr. Lane Dennis, concerning an extraordinary opportunity to meet a matching grant for $270,000. In the above video, Dr. Dennis provides some perspective on why this opportunity is so important to the ministry work of Crossway.