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5 Myths about Calvinism

Greg Forster

In all the areas of theology where Calvin made his most distinguishing contributions, we see the exaltation of the work of the Spirit driving his analysis.

5 Myths about John Calvin

Michael A. G. Haykin

Like many larger-than-life figures in the history of the church, the memory of the French Reformer John Calvin has been subjected to various distortions that amount to urban legends.

5 Myths about Seminary

Jeff Robinson Sr.

Seminary can by no means teach a minister everything he needs to know, but it puts strong tools in his box to set him up for a lifetime of learning and growing in the Lord.

5 Myths about Sin

Sam Storms

Sin is deceptive, both in its capacity to tempt us to follow its lead and in the way it confuses and clouds our thinking.

6 Questions about John Owen

Lee Gatiss

Alongside regular preaching and teaching, John Owen produced many works, including books on toleration, his monumental multi-volume writings on the Holy Spirit, and four large folio volumes on Hebrews.

7 Tips for Teaching Theology to Teens

Jon Nielson

If you’re a pastor, youth leader, ministry volunteer, or simply a Christian parent of a Christian teenager, you’ve probably struggled with the best approach in talking with young people about theology.

A 30-Day Crash Course in Systematic Theology

We've created a free, 30-day crash course in systematic theology designed to give you an overview of key doctrines and show how they connect to the specific passages of Scripture.

A Call for Theological Humility

Gavin Ortlund

There are plenty of issues over which Christians will be tempted to divide. We must even be willing to make sacrificial adjustments for the sake of our unity with others in the body of Christ.