Make the Most of Your Productivity: A Guide to Honoring God with Your Time (Ebook)

By Ana Ávila

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Make the Most of Your Productivity: A Guide to Honoring God with Your Time (Ebook)

By Ana Ávila

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6 Powerful, God-Honoring Principles to Increase Productivity

Many people today idolize achievement, driven by validation, status, or financial gain. Others lack self-discipline and motivation altogether. How can Christians pursue healthy, biblical goal-setting that avoids extremes?
In this user-friendly guide, Ana Ávila teaches 6 principles to help you honor God with all you have and reflect his character through your creativity. Along with a gospel-centered perspective on life, you’ll learn skills to increase efficiency, such as forming healthy habits, using productivity tools, creating tasks and projects, and more. Whether you are achievement-oriented or struggle with discipline, Ávila will show you how to reorient your time, boundaries, decisions, focus, habits, and tools around God’s main design for productivity: serving him and helping others.

  • A Great Introduction to Productivity: Explains how to effectively steward time, resources, and wisdom from a biblical perspective
  • Interactive: Each chapter ends with questions for reflection and action steps
  • Practical Life Skills: Includes sample schedules, tips for forming healthy habits, and more
  • Previously Published in Spanish

Read Chapter 1


Ana Ávila

Ana Ávila works as a senior writer for Coalición por el Evangelio and is the creator and host of Piensa Podcast. She has an undergraduate degree in clinical biochemistry and a diploma in biblical studies. Ávila lives in Guatemala with her husband and their two sons.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 116
Size: 5.25 in x 8.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433591112
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-9111-2
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-9110-5
Published: March 05, 2024


“We’re all stewards of the time, abilities, and opportunities God has entrusted to us. But how do we steward these well when there are so many distractions and so many drains on our focus and energy? Ana Ávila shows us how in this simple yet profound book. Ávila applies godly wisdom to living out our ordinary days on purpose so that we can avoid not only wasting our time but also wasting our lives.”
Nancy Guthrie, author; Bible teacher

“Ana Ávila’s enthusiasm for productivity for Jesus’s sake is contagious. She takes into account both our eternally focused goals and our earthbound, creaturely limitations. This book is a refreshing and friendly coach for readers who want to make the most of the time they’ve been given.”
Gloria Furman, author, Labor with Hope and Missional Motherhood

“I have never read a book on productivity until now. Learning about planning, scheduling, and goal setting was as appealing to me as it is for a young child to go to the doctor for a shot. I am a classic improviser. How helpful it would have been to read this little treasure twenty years ago! I love how Ávila weaves the gospel into every page—she makes it clear to us that productivity isn’t about achieving but loving. I finished this book confident that God accepts me because of Christ’s perfect performance and that as I grow in awe of this truth, I will pour out my love to him and it will be seen in how I use my time.”
Aixa de López, author, Forever: What Adoption Teaches Us about the Father’s Heart

“In Make the Most of Your Productivity, Ana Ávila provides us with a precise definition of productivity, the proper motivation to support productivity, and a variety of practical tools that can help us grow in our productivity not only for our own sake but also for the sake of others. She does so in a way that is profound in theology yet simple in application. Everyone should read this book in order to learn how to better manage the most valuable resource they have: time.”
Cole Brown, author, The Gospel Is: Defining the Most Important Message in the World

“A lot of writing on productivity lacks personal introspection and focuses more on tasks than motives. In this book, Ana Ávila offers us a treasure that not only helps us with productivity-related actions but also helps us reflect on the whys and therefores of our productivity. Ávila reminds us that productivity is first and foremost a matter of loving God and neighbor. If you can’t focus on what you should, this book is for you. If you think productivity is simply ‘getting a lot done,’ this book is for you. If you think productivity isn’t important to God, this book is also for you. It is for every person who wants to make good use of their life for the glory of God and the good of their neighbor.”
Justin Burkholder, author, Sobre la roca: Un modelo para iglesias que plantan iglesias

“Wise people follow good advice, but fools say they will do things and never follow through. I thank God for the wisdom he has given Ana Ávila because she has not only been able to listen to good advice but has also put it into practice. And now, with humility and skill, she has written a book that is suggested (if not required!) reading for Christians who want to do God’s will in their work and daily life. However, there is something else. I sense that this book can be of vital help to churches and ministries that want to honor God in ways that have measurable results. Of course, the things we do are secondary to who we are, but as Ávila shows us in this book, if we want to glorify God with all that we are, we will seek to be wise in all that we do. May God raise up more authors to serve the church. I am already looking forward to reading the next book from Ávila’s pen.”
Jairo Namnún, Executive Director, Coalición por el Evangelio