Why You Can't Have Science without Philosophy
What in the world philosophy has to do with science? The answer to that is very important for Christians to understand.
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Why You Can't Have Science without Philosophy
What in the world philosophy has to do with science? The answer to that is very important for Christians to understand.
Why Computers Can Never Replace the Human Brain
If we are not just machines, but spiritual beings as well, even the cleverest computer could never replicate the priceless and wondrous imago dei borne by every human.
Who Caused the Divorce of Science and Faith?
The dispute between the church and Galileo sowed the seed for the apparent divorce between science and faith.
What We Lose If We Deny a Historical Adam
The importance of believing in a historical fall of Adam and Eve is seen when we ask the question Who is to blame for the evil in the world today?
'Theistic evolution' actually can be a number of different distinct ideas because the term 'evolution' can have a number of distinct definitions.
Scientism is so pervasive today—it is the intellectual and cultural air that we breathe.
The Surprising Limits of Natural Selection
The mechanisms that theistic evolutionists propose are the means by which God created are themselves demonstratively not creative. That’s a big problem—a scientific problem.
The Most Comprehensive Critique of Theistic Evolution Yet Produced
This groundbreaking book documents evidential, logical, and theological problems with theistic evolution, opening the door to scientific and theological alternatives.
The Logical Contradiction at the Heart of Theistic Evolution
Theistic evolutionists accept that the theory of evolution is an unguided process. But then they say that God somehow guided the process. That’s why they’re theistic evolutionists.
The Danger of Thinking Science Alone Leads to True Knowledge
If you limit knowledge to science, then you must see if all of the important questions of life can be answered by science.
The Core Problem with Genetic Engineering
Children are not commodities to be bought and sold, or products to be manufactured, or objects to be designed for someone else’s use.
Should Science Inform Our Reading of Genesis 1–3?
What do we do if we find an apparent discrepancy between Genesis 1-3 and what modern scientists claim about the origin of the world?
Scott Klusendorf on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Scott Klusendorf discusses the controversy of stem cell research as it relates to the pro-life position.
Rejecting Theistic Evolution ≠ Embracing a God of the Gaps
A God of the gaps argument is an argument that has a formal, logical structure. Logic is known as an argument from ignorance—an informal fallacy.
Podcast: Why You Can’t Stop Looking at Your Phone (Samuel James)
Samuel James sets forth a distinctly Christian theology of technology, one that is profoundly realistic about its power, both for good and evil.
Podcast: The Heart of the Abortion Debate (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf discusses abortion and the current state of the pro-life movement, highlighting the biggest mistakes pro-life people make and responding to common pro-choice arguments.
Podcast: On Apologetics: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
We are pleased to offer a selection of some of the best moments related to apologetics from the podcast over the past four years.
Podcast: Can Christians Embrace God and Science? (Brad Sickler)
How can Christians embrace God and science? Must the two be separated?
Podcast: A Christian Scientific Perspective on Evolution (Stephen Meyer)
Stephen Meyer discusses the controversial topic of theistic evolution and explains what the term does and doesn't mean.
Podcast: A Christian Perspective on Depression (Kathryn Butler, MD)
Kathryn Butler shares encouraging insights that offer hope for those who struggle with depression and help for those seeking to care for someone who does.
Norman Geisler (1932–2019) on the Truth about Truth
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
Norman Geisler (1932–2019) distinguishes here between contrary beliefs and the absoluteness of truth.
Is Science the Only Source of Absolute Truth?
Is it scientifically accurate to say that “Science is the only way to get to absolute truth about reality"?
If I Could Sit Down with Richard Dawkins
If I could change Richard Dawkins’ mind about something, it would be about this notion of objective morality.
How Christianity Gave Rise to Modern Science
Science actually got started in a very explicitly theistic—indeed Christian—milieu.
If only we could depend on something more than the power of our thinking and the tools we possess to stand between us and disaster.
Don’t Put Science in a Straightjacket
There are actually ways that certain scientific assumptions can impede the scientific search for truth.
Does Theistic Evolution Lead to Open Theism?
Not all, but certain forms of theistic evolution theologically lead to the open theism perspective.
DNA 101: How It Works and Why It's Astounding
The ultimate question in the origin of life is the question of where information comes from.
Christians Don’t Need to Submit to Every Scientific Finding
God can work exceptionally. We have science existing at all because God is faithful in his governance of the world.
Can Theistic Evolution and Original Sin Coexist?
Our friends who hold to theistic evolution maintain that Adam and Eve were ordinary human beings, doing sinful deeds for their entire lives just as all other human beings do.