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Your Most Basic Need

We must train ourselves to slow down and recognize the greatest need we have is met in Christ’s coming.

You’re Not Just a Sinner

Joe Rigney

The fact that you have a cesspool of sin down in your heart doesn’t mean you should camp down there because that’s precisely what God is trying to lead you out of.

You Need Christ to Put Your Sin to Death

Dane Ortlund

Christian salvation is fundamentally a matter of grace, rescue, help, deliverance—it is God invading our miserable little lives and triumphing gloriously and persistently over all the sin and self he finds.

You Died 2,000 Years Ago

David Murray

In the age of TikTok, how does a naked, bloodied, and bruised body hanging on a wooden cross outside Jerusalem have any connection with my life?

You Become Like What You “Like”

Tony Reinke

Social media has become the new PR firm of the brand Self, and we check our feeds compulsively and find it nearly impossible to turn away from looking at—and loving—our “second self.”