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The Gospel in Daniel

Bryan Chapell

The “gospel according to Daniel” comes in glowing revelations of the power of God to redeem his people, overcome their enemies, and plan their future.

What Does Deuteronomy 6:4 Mean?

August H. Konkel

Deuteronomy is the first book of the Bible to demand love for God. Previously the emphasis was on fear of God, an awe of his grandeur and a dread of his judgment that serve as motives for obedience.

Make Psalm 51 Yours

Dane Ortlund

God gave his own Son as the final sacrifice so that your brokenness could be the only prerequisite to receiving God’s abundant mercy.

9 Notable Quotes from Providence

The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe.

A Great Salvation

R. C. Sproul

What the author of Hebrews is getting at is the perfect marriage between doctrine and practice. If we believe the things that he has declared, that has radical implications for how we live our lives.