We should admit up front that there are some decent reasons a person might have for being an atheist.
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We should admit up front that there are some decent reasons a person might have for being an atheist.
Churches should teach and disciple Christians how to critique the cultural ideas that are influencing people away from the faith.
5 Myths about Being Called to Ministry
Are you called to the ministry? How can you tell if you’re called to ministry? What should you do to find out?
Some people have good friendships, some don’t. Friendship—true friendship—requires intentionality and even skill.
When we make a home for others, we are often doing small and unseen work humanly speaking, but the meaning behind the work is never small.
5 Myths about Christian Publishing
The gospel transforms everything in the universe, including publishing. Everything else is to be considered downstream.
5 Myths about Your Personal Identity
These days, knowing who you are and being true to yourself are seen as signs of good mental health and well-being, and the keys to authentic living and true happiness.
Our new status and our new identity are due to the saving mercy and transformative power of God and are not of ourselves.
5 Myths about Being a Pastor’s Wife
What every congregation really needs to see is a family serving God with wholehearted devotion while dealing with the realities of sinful parents raising sinful children.
Jesus doesn’t say that we must. But he says we will. In that sense, fasting is not an obligation, but it is an opportunity—and one too powerful to miss.
There is not an uninfluenced day, hour, or minute in our lives. We are constantly discipled by the cultural, relational, and spiritual forces around us. Which discipling forces influence you the most?
5 Myths about Making Decisions
The sooner we learn to see decisions as a blessing rather than a burden, the more we will begin to experience the God-intended delight that comes with the decision-making process.
5 Myths about End-of-Life Care
Few things halt conversation as quickly as the topic of death, yet the stewardship of our God-given lives matters until the very end.
5 Myths about Teaching Theology to Youth
Everyone is a theologian. The question for Christian parents, church members, and friends is: how do we help children be good theologians?
Each myth of missions, if left uncorrected, will likely tend toward a weakening of biblical missionary labor and a reliance on our own wisdom and methods.
5 Myths about Pastoral Leadership
We can, with true humility and firm confidence, call our people to repent when they are sinning, assure them of God’s care when they are hurting, promise them eternal riches when they are dying—all on the authority of God’s most precious word.
Given that liturgy concerns the order of worship elements in a church service, it’s not whether a church has a liturgy; it’s just which liturgy the church has.
Is leisure something we really need? As Christians, we perhaps struggle with the concept, but it is vitally important.
5 Myths about Counseling and the Church
We come to Jesus as people in need, and we continue in Jesus as people in need.
Sin is deceptive, both in its capacity to tempt us to follow its lead and in the way it confuses and clouds our thinking.
5 Myths about the Pro-Life Movement
To position ourselves for eventual political victory resulting in legal protection for unborn humans, we must engage the public with a persuasive case for life that confronts abortion at the worldview level.
5 Myths about the Armor of God
There are not two separate classes of Christians: Christian soldiers and Christian civilians. There are only prepared and unprepared Christian soldiers.
Many unmarried people have strengthened their hands with the truth that no one has left anything for the sake of the kingdom, says the Lord Jesus, who will not receive back far more.
Deacons are not the church’s spiritual council of directors, nor the executive board to whom the pastor-CEO answers. They are a cavalry of servants.
5 Myths about the Relationship between Science and Faith
The dispute between the church and Galileo sowed the seed for the apparent divorce between science and faith.
5 Myths about Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry shouldn’t merely be about teaching Christian character and morality to the younger generation. No, it’s an incredible opportunity to help kids see Christ!
Perhaps one of the greatest misunderstandings concerning the Christian faith is that God is only concerned with “good people.”
Joanne J. Jung, Richard Langer
These statements about leadership are endorsed by our culture, but may not be true. In fact, these statements may even be harmful to individuals and organizations and the missions they pursue.
In spite of C. S. Lewis’s fame, several myths have attached themselves to him which might give an unbalanced view of the man who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia.
Allow us to introduce Paolo Sarpi, a contemporary of Galileo, and the most formidable adversary of the Counter-Reformation in Italy.