What Does It Mean That King David’s Son Would Build a House for God? (2 Samuel 7)
John L. Mackay
The Lord is undoubtedly favorably disposed to David, but this does not warrant a blanket endorsement of all that David proposes. It is the Lord’s right to decide when and by whom a temple for him should be built.
What Does It Mean that Samuel Was Brought Up from the Dead? (1 Samuel 28)
John L. Mackay
When Saul can no longer consult the prophet, Samuel, he uses a medium to communicate with him from the dead.
What Does It Mean That Scripture Is Inspired?
John S. Feinberg
How are the rest of us, who never had a revelatory dream or vision and to whom God never spoke directly, supposed to know what God wants us to know?
What Does It Mean that We’re “Justified By Works”? (James 2)
Robert L. Plummer
Faith without works is dead. Genuine faith always produces righteous deeds. But are we saved by them?
What Does It Mean That Women Should “Remain Quiet” in Church? (1 Timothy 2)
Denny Burk
“Quietly” does not mean that women are never to utter a word when the church gathers for worship.
What Does It Mean that Women Will Be Saved through Childbearing? (1 Timothy 2)
Denny Burk
The interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15 has been an item of great debate among commentators.
What Does It Mean to Be a Man in the Home?
Andreas J. Köstenberger,
Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Men are to be worshipers, disciples, witnesses, husbands and fathers, leaders, providers, and protectors.
What Does It Mean to Pray “Your Kingdom Come”?
Kevin DeYoung
A simple definition is to think of the kingdom of God as his reign and rule. Another way to think of the kingdom is as God’s redemptive presence coming down from heaven to earth.
What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit?
Margaret Elizabeth Köstenberger
Prior to their new life in Christ, New Testament believers had not experienced the continual indwelling of the Spirit. It was at Pentecost that the Spirit came upon the first believers and the church was born.
What Does It Really Mean to Take the Lord’s Name in Vain?
Kevin DeYoung
The Old Testament identifies several ways in which the third commandment can be violated.
What Does Jeremiah 29:11 Mean?
Matthew S. Harmon
This verse is commonly found on bumper stickers, signs, cards, etc. to encourage people to have hope for the future. But is that really what this well-known verse means?
What Does Jesus Want This Christmas?
John Piper
What does Jesus want this Christmas? We can see the answer in his prayers.
What Does John 14:6 Mean?
Courtney Doctor
It’s not that Jesus merely teaches truth or that his words are true (he does, and they are!); Jesus is truth embodied. Truth incarnate.
What Does Joshua 24:15 Mean?
Trent Hunter
Verses like these are a doorway into the message of the book, an entry at a high point of the story with all its tension and drama.
What Does Luke 9:23 Mean?
C. D. "Jimmy" Agan III
Jesus seeks disciples—people who respond to all that he is and all that he offers with a faith that says, “Wherever you take me, I’ll go.”
What Does Mark 2:17 Mean?
Douglas Sean O'Donnell
The Bible, like all good literature, is full of questions. It includes over 3,000 of them—questions that are intended to make us ponder the person and powers of God and our relationship with him.
What Does Matthew 5:17 Mean?
Drew Hunter
What do the Old Testament commands have to do with New Testament Christians? Should Christians seek to obey the Old Testament just like the Israelites? Can we “unhitch” ourselves from it altogether?
What Does Perfect Anger Look Like?
Dane Ortlund
Christ got angry and still gets angry, for he is the perfect human, who loves too much to remain indifferent. And this righteous anger reflects his heart, his tender compassion.
What Does Philippians 4:13 Mean?
Jason C. Meyer
This verse is well-loved and often quoted, but frequently misunderstood and thus misapplied. This verse is not a promise that God will enable believers to do whatever they want whenever they want it.
What Does Proverbs 1:7 Mean?
Ryan Patrick O'Dowd
Proverbs 1:7 seeks to instill in us the indispensable virtues for becoming wise. We must tremble at the Lord’s holiness, just as we are drawn to him in love.
What Does Psalm 23:1 Mean?
David Gibson
The beauty of Psalm 23 is that it is so simple and clear that it almost needs no interpretation or exposition.
What Does Psalm 37:4 Mean?
Christopher Ash
This verse tells me that God will give me the desires of my heart. May I not claim this as a promise? Why not?
What Does Psalm 46:1 Mean?
Douglas Sean O'Donnell
If you fail to understand poetic structures and literary devices, you will understand and preach the Psalms improperly.
What Does Romans 6:23 Mean?
Robert W. Yarbrough
Life is complex. Gray areas abound. Yet Jesus taught that we all face a simple but fateful either/or: a wide way leading to woe, or a narrow way leading to life.
What Does the Aaronic Blessing Ultimately Promise Us?
Michael J. Glodo
The highest happiness of every believer is to see the face of God unmediated, not just having to look with the eyes of faith but actually one day seeing with our eyes.
What Does the Bible Say about Alcohol?
Wayne Grudem
Paul’s words of caution about not causing others to stumble by what we do are a reminder that not everything that is morally right in itself is wise or helpful in every situation.
What Does the Bible Say about Being Born Gay?
Kevin DeYoung
How to respond biblically to the question of natural-born homosexuality with grace and truth.
What Does the Bible Say About God as Our Father?
Ray Ortlund
Graciously, our heavenly Father shares the wonder of his fatherhood with us men. To be a father, therefore, is a sacred privilege and a high calling.
What Does the New Testament Mean That Jesus Will Come Soon?
John Piper
What would it mean for an infallible spokesman (an apostle!) of the Lord Jesus, who cannot predict the time, to say that Jesus is coming soon?