What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Thessalonians?
Andrew Malone
Other numbered “sets” of New Testament letters exhibit distinct differences. Yet the two Thessalonian letters are customarily treated together. This is an indication of how closely the two letters track.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Colossians?
Kevin W. McFadden
The theology of Colossians is distinct because it arises from Paul’s response to a false teaching that was threatening the church in Colossae.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Galatians?
Thomas R. Schreiner
No compromise can be accepted or tolerated when it comes to the gospel, and all teachings and teachers must be evaluated and measured by the gospel revealed to us by Jesus Christ himself.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Hebrews?
Dennis E. Johnson
The theology of the book of Hebrews is distinct in that it draws together so many of the greatest truths revealed in God’s word to address the deepest of human needs.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Jude?
Matthew S. Harmon
Knowing the true gospel inside and out is a crucial way of being able to identify departures from the gospel and remain true to Jesus.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Luke?
Benjamin L. Gladd
The four Gospels present Jesus as true Israel and the divine Son of God who lived a faithful life, died for sins of his people, and rose from the dead, but each evangelist retells this story a bit differently.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Mark?
Peter Orr
Certainly Mark is the Gospel that has most in common with the other Gospels. But even Mark has some distinctives that are worth noting and that help us to read Mark as Mark.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Philemon?
Kevin W. McFadden
Some question whether we should even say that the book of Philemon has a theology since it is merely a short, practical letter written to an individual Christian rather than a church.
What Is Divine Inspiration (and Why Does It Matter)?
Gerald Bray
The general line of argument is that if the Bible is divinely inspired, it must also be infallible because God would not lead his people astray.
What Is Divine Providence?
John Piper
The term sovereignty does not contain the idea of purposeful action, but the term providence does.
What Is New about the New Covenant? (Jeremiah 31)
Jerry Hwang
Since the old covenant could be broken by disobedience, the new covenant will impart a greater ability to obey. The result will be the kind of covenant relationship that Yahweh has always sought with his people.
What Is Our Only Hope in Life and Death?
John Calvin,
Timothy Keller
Because Jesus gave himself for us, our lives no long belong to us—we surrender our bodies and our souls to the Lord.
What Is Preaching?
Lewis Allen
How do we preachers handle the Bible faithfully and accurately so that Jesus is seen in every passage?
What Is Progressive Revelation?
Alec Motyer
Progressive revelation is a movement from truth to more truth and so to full truth.
What Is the Difference between Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology?
Jon Nielson
The Bible doesn’t come to us as an academic textbook, with carefully delineated topical headings organized according to theological themes. What is different about these two ways of organizing theology?
What Is the Doctrine of Election?
Benjamin L. Merkle
God is worthy of our praise precisely because he has chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
What Is the Foundational Authority of Scripture?
John Owen
That the whole authority of the Scripture in itself, depends solely on its divine original, is confessed by all who acknowledge its authority.
What Is the Gospel?
Greg Gilbert
Since the word “gospel” means “good news,” when Christians talk about the gospel, they’re simply telling the good news about Jesus.
What Is the Great Gain of Godliness? (1 Timothy 6)
Denny Burk
Believers should not act as if material possessions are the key to the good life, because they are not. The good life is in godly contentment.
What Is the Kingdom of God?
Sam Storms
Jesus claimed that the fulfillment of the Old Testament hope with its attendant blessings was present in his person and ministry.
What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Revelation 13)
Thomas R. Schreiner
We must be willing to suffer, to give our all for Christ, to persevere until the end in order to obtain the final reward.
What Is the Millennium? (Revelation 20)
Thomas R. Schreiner
Christians have disagreed over the details of this passage for nearly two thousand years.
What Is Theology?
K. Erik Thoennes
For those who want to know God, the study of theology is indispensable.
What Is the Rapture? (1 Thessalonians 4)
David W. Chapman
What does it mean for living believers to be “caught up together with them in the clouds” and to “meet the Lord in the air?"
What Is the Single Best Explanation for Jesus’s Genius?
Peter J. Williams
God invented humans. He invented language. He invented human language. So when you allow that, it’s hardly surprising that he should know such a lot.
What Is the Sin that Leads to Death? (1 John 5)
Ray Van Neste
What is the “sin that leads to death” and why does John not say we should pray for people committing such sin?
What Jesus Meant When He Said “The Kingdom of God Is at Hand”
Peter Orr
He does not say “the exile is over” or even “salvation has come”—although both of these are connected to the kingdom—but “the kingdom of God is at hand.”
What Jesus Saw When He Looked at Peter after the Rooster Crowed
Erik Raymond
When we peer into the word of God, we see who God is: his character is revealed to us. At the same time, we see who we are: we see ourselves in light of God’s character.
What John Piper Wants You to Know about the Bible
In his two of his newest books, John Piper helps us to understand and enjoy the Bible for what it truly is—the very Word of God.
What Kind of Teacher Is Jesus?
Ted Newell
The documents describing Jesus’s career—the four Gospels—make clear that he was a teacher.